Do you use AI software for grading?

 No, Currently we are not using the AI software for grading cards. We are using a microscope with adjustable lighting and go off of our grading scale. For our grading scale we take all four sub-grades then divide by 4 for the final grade of your card. There is no rounding up or down with Ace Card Grading. 

Do y0u grade pokemon cards?

Yes, We grade Pokemon, sports cards, Star Wars etc.

Why did you decide to start a grading company?

As collector’s ourselves, we all know the frustrations from other grading companies at the current moment in time for only accepting express grading and charging huge prices for it in the meantime. We are trying to give back to the middle class to send cards in and get a quality grade at a lower price with quicker turnarounds. 

Do you have PO system?

Yes, we will have a PO system. We will have track of every card that is graded underneath the quantity number so you or anyone that looks up the quality number will be able to locate the card that we graded. 

Do you guarantee the grades for my cards?

All employees with Ace Card Grading will grade each card with our scale of grading. We cannot guarantee what other companies’ crossover grades would be.

We are not accepting any crossover from a different grading company at this time.  We take all four sub-grades then divide by 4 for the final grade of each card. There is no rounding up or down with us. 

What are your services?

Grading of sports cards or Pokemon cards mainly. We allow any type of Custom Cards and smaller cards. Main thickness is the 32 Point. Some thicker cards we can do and some we cannot if it is too thick. 

Do you authenticate autographs?

We do not authenticate autographs at this time. If the card is hand written without being authenicated then we can still grade it but will not mention the autograph at all on the label.  

Do you state how much my card is worth after graded?

No, we do not put value on your cards. If your card is worth $1000.00 or $1.00 you will be charged the exact same. 

Terms & Conditions

All terms and conditions are subject to change. For up to date information please visit our website’s Terms & Conditions page with all the updated information or contact us by phone. Payment methods accepted, visa, MasterCard. PayPal, Venmo, cashapp